Let me preface this review by saying I did not read this book with any political agenda. I read this book because I like to hear gossip, but would rather read a book than an US Weekly. I am pretty much purple in the political arena, so I did not buy this book to bash Palin nor to become a bigger fan... I simply wanted to be entertained. That said, I did hide this book between the others that I was checking out at the library. With all due respect to those of you who love her, I wasn't exactly flaunting the fact that I was reading her book in the same fashion that I take off the covers of young adult novels when I read them in public. I'm vain that way.
So onto the review! Like some have said in reviews that I've read, I actually like Sarah Palin as a person more but would be a lot less likely to vote for her after reading this book. I like hearing her stories of Alaska, close family, tomboy antics, and a driven and strong spirit. I didn't like hearing her talk about important political issues in a pedestrian and colloquial manner. Each time she did this she solidified my vote for her opponent whenever she decides to run again (which she will, mark my words, and I am betting on the Tea Party to back her).
I gave this book four coconuts because it read like fiction. I couldn't put it down, and I stayed up late to finish it before I had to return it to the library the next morning. For anyone who likes a bit of politics, outdoorsy life, close-knit family sagas, and plenty of juicy gossip, you will like this book. And you will have to remind yourself that you are, in fact, reading about someone who ran for VP of the United States. You are likely to think you are reading a chick-lit novel with a political twist (by the way, for those of you who do not care for politics, or feel that some of the issues are over your head, it is very easy to surpass full pages of this book, where Palin rants about her political agenda, and still be totally in the loop with what's going on).
I say set the People magazine aside for a few days and pick this book up in its stead. And then let's all take a trip up to Alaska for a snowmobiling vacation, because more than anything that I got from this book is a travel urge to take a vacation up to the state of the Northern Lights where you can (literally) see Russia from Sarah Palin's 'hood.
Four Coconuts
So onto the review! Like some have said in reviews that I've read, I actually like Sarah Palin as a person more but would be a lot less likely to vote for her after reading this book. I like hearing her stories of Alaska, close family, tomboy antics, and a driven and strong spirit. I didn't like hearing her talk about important political issues in a pedestrian and colloquial manner. Each time she did this she solidified my vote for her opponent whenever she decides to run again (which she will, mark my words, and I am betting on the Tea Party to back her).
I gave this book four coconuts because it read like fiction. I couldn't put it down, and I stayed up late to finish it before I had to return it to the library the next morning. For anyone who likes a bit of politics, outdoorsy life, close-knit family sagas, and plenty of juicy gossip, you will like this book. And you will have to remind yourself that you are, in fact, reading about someone who ran for VP of the United States. You are likely to think you are reading a chick-lit novel with a political twist (by the way, for those of you who do not care for politics, or feel that some of the issues are over your head, it is very easy to surpass full pages of this book, where Palin rants about her political agenda, and still be totally in the loop with what's going on).
I say set the People magazine aside for a few days and pick this book up in its stead. And then let's all take a trip up to Alaska for a snowmobiling vacation, because more than anything that I got from this book is a travel urge to take a vacation up to the state of the Northern Lights where you can (literally) see Russia from Sarah Palin's 'hood.
Four Coconuts
The Coconut Librarian
Temple Grandin
The Coconut Librarian
picture taken from Temple Grandin's website -- please excuse the fact that the link to the trailer does not work.