Ah, I am in love again. This time, with a site called PaperBack Swap. On it, you can swap books with people around the country. If you have some books you want to get rid of, you can post them on the site. Each time someone "orders" your book, you get a credit. For each credit you earn, you get to order a book that you want. It is fantastic-- and so easy. You print the mailing wrappers right from your very own computer (you can opt to print the postage directly on the wrapper). Then, you send it from your own mailbox... no need to even go to the post office! You are responsible for paying for the postage of the books you send, but do not pay a dime for the books your receive. In essence, you are paying about $2-3 for a book while getting rid of ones that you don't want anymore.
Those are great sites! Thanks for the info! I think I am going to try it.
Posted by: Mallory Woodlee | Monday, July 06, 2009 at 01:36 PM
Hello! I found you through the chic chick media guy and got so excited about your book club. I also hit up the paper back swap, found 10 books I know I will never read again, and can't wait to order 2 with my free credits. Now lets see if anyone actually wants the books I have to offer. So glad I found you!
Posted by: Lauren | Tuesday, July 07, 2009 at 11:11 PM
Hi, found you off the chic chick media list, glad I came over. Don't forget about good old fashioned book exchanges! Some of us are still around :)
Posted by: Eileen | Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 10:45 AM
I have never been to paperbackswap, but use swaptree on a daily basis. I won't speak for the other site, but the one advantage for me is there's no credit system to keep track of -- everything is just one to one basis -- and you can also get dvd's, cd's, and video games for your books...so there's more media involved. I don't use itunes or ipods and never buy CD's, so I've more than quadrupled my music collection by getting rid of some old books. And how good does it make you feel to pass on a book you loved to someone else for their enjoyment? Feels like I've joined a little community. Although, gotta admit, I do go to bookstores less now and admit I kind of miss roaming the aisles waiting for something to catch my eye :)
Posted by: jaydek | Tuesday, July 14, 2009 at 11:57 AM